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Economic Review

A quarterly research publication with articles on macroeconomics and monetary policy, regional and international economics, and banking and financial markets.

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Economic Review

Introducing the Kansas City Fed’s Measure of Policy Rate Uncertainty (KC PRU)

The KC PRU measures uncertainty around the path of interest rates one year ahead, using the prices of financial options.

Economic Review | Data and Trends | Macroeconomics | Monetary Policy
Economic Review

The Expanding Role of Renewable Fuel Policy as a Demand Driver in Agriculture

Recent renewable energy policies may lead to higher but more volatile prices for soybeans and other oilseed crops.

Economic Review | Agriculture | Natural Resources and Environment
Economic Review

Testing Hybrid Forecasts for Imports and Exports

During times of stress, hybrid forecasts outperform pure model-based forecasts over short horizons.

Economic Review | Macroeconomics | Data and Trends | International
Economic Review

A Method for Estimating the Price of Stablecoin Insurance

The price of insuring stablecoins can be estimated using standard option pricing methods as applied to bank deposit insurance.

Economic Review | Banking and Finance
Economic Review

Why Do Net Interest Margins Behave Differently across Banks as Interest Rates Rise?

Banks with declining net interest margins during the 2022–23 tightening cycle were more reliant on capital market funding.

Economic Review | Banking and Finance | Monetary Policy
Economic Review

A Regional Indicator of Commercial Real Estate Activity: The KC Fed CRE Index

The KC Fed CRE Index summarizes a variety of changes in regional CRE conditions with minimal lags.

Economic Review | Banking and Finance | Data and Trends | Regional | Kansas City Commercial Real Estate Index