Board of Directors

Each of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks is led by a local board of directors. The Board ensures broad and diverse views from the public are a part of the central bank’s monetary policy deliberations.

About the Board

Meet Current and Past Directors

The Kansas City Fed's Board of Directors represent a variety of experiences, industries and geographies.

Director Roles and Responsibilities

Directors conduct meetings to provide the Reserve Bank insight on current and emerging issues which is uniquely derived from...

Directors of Federal Reserve Banks and Branches

Each Federal Reserve Bank's Board are filled through a variety of methods. Learn more.

Regional Relationships and National Policy

Just as the Federal Reserve's mission areas are a blend of various components, the nine director seats on each Federal Reserve...

Accountability and Governance

The authority of the board of directors of a Reserve Bank is established in the Federal Reserve Act.

Bank Bylaws

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City bylaws help govern the board of directors.

Resources & FAQ

Learn more about the structure and governance of the Board of Directors.

Meeting Minutes

This archive contains past Board of Directors meeting minutes beginning in January 2024.