KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI – The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City announces the following director appointment to fill a vacant seat on its Omaha Branch Board of Directors.

David Roth, chief executive officer, Omaha Airport Authority, Omaha, Neb., was appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to serve the unexpired portion of a three-year term ending December 31, 2026. Roth fills a vacancy created in May following the election of Carmen Tapio to the Kansas City head office board.

Each branch office board comprises seven directors, including four who are appointed by the Kansas City Board of Directors and three who are appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Branch directors meet to confer on economic and financial developments and business conditions.

More information on the role and structure of the Bank’s Boards of Directors is available here.

Media Contacts

Bill Medley: Bill.Medley@kc.frb.org
Victoria Rosengarten: Victoria.Rosengarten@kc.frb.org