We support the Federal Reserve's roles in:

  • Monetary policy, including reporting on local and state-wide economic conditions
  • Bank supervision and regulation of Nebraska financial institutions
  • Financial services including work for the U.S. Treasury

We work to understand the region's economy and serve as a resource to Nebraska businesses and communities. Our staff:

Omaha Branch Executive Nate Kauffman visits Conestoga Elementary School in Omaha as part of Teach Children to Save Day in 2019.

  • Support community economic development through research, resources and relationships with with organizations working to support low- and moderate-income and disadvantaged communities .
  • Promote a safe, stable and competitive banking system through the supervision and regulation of financial institutions while also providing proactive outreach to state member banks and bank holding companies.
  • Host Economic Forums and speak to groups across the state to provide insights on the regional and national economy.

Omaha Branch Executive Nate Kauffman shares an update on Nebraska's Economy during an Economic Forum in Kearney, Nebraska.

  • Meet with community and business leaders to learn about local economic conditions and gather diverse perspectives on the economy.
  • Provide high-quality operational and support services to the U.S. Treasury.

Download our Omaha Branch fact sheet.

Omaha Branch Board of Directors

Each Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has its own seven-member Board of Directors. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City appoints four of these directors, while the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C. appoints the other three directors. Branch directors serve three-year terms and provide Omaha Branch Executive Nate Kauffman with insight on regional economic conditions as well as advice and counsel.

Current Omaha Branch Board of Directors

L. Javier Fernandez, Chair of the Branch Board
President and Chief Executive Officer, Omaha Public Power District, Omaha, Nebraska

Kyle Arganbright
President and Co-Founder, Sandhills State Bank, Valentine, Nebraska

DJ Eihusen
President, CEO and Chair, Chief Industries, Inc., Grand Island, Nebraska

Clark Lauritzen
Chairman and President, First National Bank of Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska

Joanne Li
Chancellor, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska

David Roth
Chief Executive Officer, Omaha Airport Authority, Omaha, Nebraska

Susan K. Wilkinson
President and Chief Operating Officer, Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, Lincoln, Nebraska

The Omaha Branch Board of Directors, Kansas City Fed leadership, and R&R Realty Group leadership during a tour of the Waterford Building in 2023.

Omaha Branch Contacts

Omaha Branch Executive
Nate Kauffman, Senior Vice President and Economist

Public Affairs, Government and Media Relations, Speech Requests
Erin Redemske, Director of Public Affairs
Vicki Fischer, Public Affairs Specialist
Submit a speech request

Community Development
Rachael Surmick, Community Development Advisor