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Economic Bulletin

Timely, accessible snapshots of the Kansas City Fed's latest economic findings and perspectives on national and international economic conditions and issues related to monetary policy, industries and markets.

Recent Bulletins

Economic Bulletin

Labor Market Cooling Has Been Uneven Across Industries

A more detailed version of the KC Fed LMCI shows pockets of tightness and weakness in some industries.

Economic Bulletin | Labor and Demographics | Data and Trends | Monetary Policy | Inflation
Economic Bulletin

Did Importers Try to Front-Run Recent Tariffs on China?

Between the announcement and implementation of new tariffs on China, imports for EV batteries increased sharply.

Economic Bulletin | International
Economic Bulletin

First-Time Homeownership Became Less Affordable Across Most of the United States in Recent Years

Wage gains have not offset higher house prices and borrowing costs in recent years, worsening home affordability.

Economic Bulletin | Housing | Economic Geography
Economic Bulletin

KC Fed LMCI Can Help Sift Out Noise in Payroll Data

The KC Fed Labor Market Conditions Indicators offer a cleaner picture of payroll growth than official measures.

Economic Bulletin | Data and Trends | Labor and Demographics | Macroeconomics
Economic Bulletin

How Do Financial Markets Perceive the Balance of Risks to the Policy Rate?

A new measure of policy rate skew suggests that market-perceived risks to the interest rate outlook are roughly in balance.

Economic Bulletin | Data and Trends | Banking and Finance | Monetary Policy
Economic Bulletin

Consumer Credit Cards Show Few Signs of Financial Stress

Despite higher interest rates, consumer credit markets show limited evidence of stress, even among subprime borrowers.

Economic Bulletin | Banking and Finance | Monetary Policy
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