Amaze Lusompa is an Economist in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Prior to joining the department in 2020, Amaze received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Irvine. He also holds a B.A. in economics from NC A&T State University and an M.S. in Economic and Statistical Modeling from Duke University. His primary research interests are in econometrics and macroeconomics.
Economic Review Articles
- Testing Hybrid Forecasts for Imports and Exports
with Thomas Cook and Johannes Matschke, Vol. 109, no. 5 - Cutting-Edge Methods Did Not Improve Inflation Forecasting during the COVID-19 Pandemic
with Sai A. Sattiraju, Vol. 107, no. 3
Research Working Papers
- The Passthrough of Agricultural Commodity Prices to Food Prices
with Francisco Scott, David Rodziewicz, Cortney Cowley, and Jacob Dice, RWP 24-16 - Local Projections, Autocorrelation, and Efficiency
RWP 21-01
Economic Bulletin
- KC Fed LMCI Can Help Sift Out Noise in Payroll Data
with José Mustre-del-Río, January 2025 - Will High Underlying Inflation Persist?
with Sai A. Sattiraju, May 10, 2023 - Disruptions to Russian Energy Supply Likely to Weigh on European Output
with Thomas R. Cook and Jun Nie, November 4, 2022