Banking and Payments Research
Research staff analyze domestic and international payments systems as well as the banking industry.
Recent Articles
Interest Rates and Nonbank Market Share in the U.S. Mortgage Market
Differences in business models help explain how banks gain market share from nonbanks when interest rates are high.
Did Card-Present Fraud Rates Decline in the United States After the Migration to Chip Cards?
The counterfeit fraud rate has not declined for debit cards since the migration to EMV chip-cards.
How Do Financial Markets Perceive the Balance of Risks to the Policy Rate?
A new measure of policy rate skew suggests that market-perceived risks to the interest rate outlook are roughly in balance.
Examining the Financial Accelerator: Bank Responses to the 2014 Oil Price Shock
By restricting lending, banks may amplify economic downturns for vulnerable firms.
Consumer Credit Cards Show Few Signs of Financial Stress
Despite higher interest rates, consumer credit markets show limited evidence of stress, even among subprime borrowers.
Could Municipal IDs Facilitate Access to Financial Services?
Municipal IDs provide a form of local identification and have the potential to help unbanked households open bank accounts.
Banking and Payments Resources
Payments Resources
Payments System Research Briefings
Our briefings cover payments methods, developments in payments networks, and various participants' roles in the payments system.
Payments System Research Working Papers
Our paper topics include payments methods, developments in payments networks and various participants' roles in the payments system.
Interchange Fees
An annual update of credit and debit card interchange fees in various countries, regulatory developments in the payment card markets, and trends in interchange fees assessed to U.S. merchants.
Payment Conferences Proceedings
Our international payments policy conferences focus on timely and important topics.
Guide to ATM and Debit Card Industry - 2006 Update
This book is a 2006 update that documents industry trends and patterns and discusses their implications.
Guide to ATM and Debit Card Industry
This book provides an overview of the history and development of the ATM and debit card industry, details the mechanics of ATM and debit transactions, reviews trends in ATM and debit transaction volume and pricing, and discusses industry and public policy issues.
Nonbanks in the Payments System
This book examines nonbank participation of payments activities and the roles nonbanks play in specific transaction types.
Banking Resources
Small Business Lending Survey
Quarterly collection of quantitative and qualitative information that can be used to understand credit market conditions for bank lending to small businesses.
Bank Capital Analysis
The Bank Capital Analysis provides a horizontal comparison of capital adequacy among banking organizations with different risk profiles.