
Farm Real Estate Values were Steady in 2024

Agricultural real estate values in the Midwest and plains states were flat through the end of 2024.

What we do:

We work in the public’s interest by supporting economic and financial stability.

Jeffrey Schmid
President and Chief Executive Officer

Click here to read his latest remarks, "Agriculture and the Federal Reserve."

Tenth District Manufacturing Continued to Decline Slightly

Regional factory activity continued to fall in February. Firms decreased employment levels moderately this month but expect overall activity and employment to increase in the next six months.

Tenth District Beige Book

Tenth District Summary for Beige Book.

Tenth District Services Activity Grew Slightly

Regional services activity in the business sector grew moderately, while consumer...

Highlight: Understanding a Common Community Bank Tax Structure

Provides insights on trends or activities of primary interest to the community banking industry.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Exploring interstate mobility for young college graduates

Compared with the 1990s, fewer graduates are choosing to move out of state for employment.

Did Card-Present Fraud Rates Decline in the United States After the Migration to Chip Cards?

The U.S. payment industry began migrating to EMV chip-card technology in the mid-2010s to mitigate card-present fraud, ...

Payments System Research Briefing

Interest Rates and Nonbank Market Share in the U.S. Mortgage Market

Differences in business models help explain how banks gain market share from nonbanks when interest rates are high.

Economic Review
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2025 Midwest Anti-Money Laundering Conference

Multi-day event,

This annual outreach event brings together financial institutions and federal and state law enforcement personnel to discuss current and emerging Bank Secrecy Act/ Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) industry topics.

Investment Connection - Nebraska 2025

, CDT Lincoln, NE

Presentations on eight new and existing community and economic development proposals from across Nebraska will be shared.

Digital Access Research Forum

Multi-day event, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City  Kansas City, Missouri

The forum will highlight the latest research on digital access, as well as emerging methodologies and best practices in the sector.

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