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Payments System Research Briefings

Briefings cover a range of topics, including payments methods, developments in payments networks, and various participants' roles in the payments system.

Recent Briefings

Payments System Research Briefing

Did Card-Present Fraud Rates Decline in the United States After the Migration to Chip Cards?

The counterfeit fraud rate has not declined for debit cards since the migration to EMV chip-cards.

Payments System Research Briefing | Payments | Banking and Finance
Payments System Research Briefing

Could Municipal IDs Facilitate Access to Financial Services?

Municipal IDs provide a form of local identification and have the potential to help unbanked households open bank accounts.

Payments System Research Briefing | Payments | Banking and Finance
Payments System Research Briefing

Combating Authorized Push Payment Scams in Fast Payment Systems

Fast payment system operators and financial institutions can adopt measures to help mitigate APP scams.

Payments System Research Briefing | Payments | Banking and Finance
Payments System Research Briefing

Cash Bill Pay Services and Payment Inclusion in the United States

Cash bill pay may help further payment inclusion among consumers who prefer to use cash.

Payments System Research Briefing | Payments | Banking and Finance
Payments System Research Briefing

The Role of Nonbanks and Fintechs in Boosting India’s UPI Person-to-Merchant Transactions

Nonbank and fintech services have helped expand the use of India’s instant payment system for person-to-merchant payments.

Payments System Research Briefing | Payments | Banking and Finance | International
Payments System Research Briefing

As Earned Wage Access Grows, Oversight Tries to Catch Up

The growing popularity of earned wage access services has raised concerns for consumers, with some states beginning to respond.

Payments System Research Briefing | Payments | Banking and Finance | Labor and Demographics
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